Lily Iona MacKenzie
Fiction & Poetry
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I'm a writer, and my novels feature sexy, adventuresome, and inspirational women and men—some of them over 60—breaking boundaries. Without diving into my imagination and surfacing with what I find there, my days would be dull. I hope my writing brightens your days!
I've published four novels: Fling!, Curva Peligrosa, Freefall: A Divine Comedy and The Ripening: A Canadian Girl Grows Up (a sequel to Freefall). My poetry collection All This was published in 2011, and a chapbook (No More Kings) was released in March 2020. Shanti Arts Publishing released my hybrid memoir Dreaming Myself into Old Age: One Woman's Search for Meaning in 2023 as well as California Dreaming, my new poetry colleciton. I currently teach creative writing at USF’s Fromm Institute for Lifelong Learning.

Poetry, Fiction (Novels), & Nonfiction